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Library Snapshot Day provides an easy means to collect statistics, photos and stories that will enable library advocates to increase public awareness and show the value of their libraries to decision-makers and to their communities. Find out more about Snapshot at

Let’s beat 2023 numbers!  Libraries may choose the date for their Snapshot Day that works best for them; however we do ask that it be done by or before September 15, 2024. MLC will be holding their Snapshot Day September 4.

People Visited Number of items checked out Computers Used Questions Answered Programs Attended Programs offered Website visits
5020 4,446 886 1,258 93 599 3,061

Ways to Make Your Snapshot Day a Success!

(Adapted from the Wyoming Library Association)
  1. Share the results with your elected officials, mayors and council members.
  2. Use the quotes and comments that you collect in your annual report, your blog, your social media and your website!
  3. Feature your participation and your patrons in your next newsletter.
  4. Share your results with your board.
  5. Make your own slide show of the photos and comments. Run it in the library near the checkout desk or add it to your website.
  6. Make bold signs with your customer comments and display them throughout the library.
  7. Create a handout with your Snapshot Day statistics, logo, or other library-specific information about the event.
  8. Share your results when you do any kind of outreach to schools, senior centers, community agencies, or others.
  9. Let your Friends and Foundation know about your participation in Snapshot Day.
  10. Ask if your town website can feature some of your results.
  11. Share your results with local media through a press release.

2024 Graphics and Template Links

Statistic tracking form

Patron Feedback Form

Circle Template 



Animated GIF
