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What happens on a typical day in a public library? How many visits do you see? How many books are checked out? How many patrons come to use the computers to look for a job or use the internet? How many visitors look to the libraries for answers to their questions? Well, on July 22, 2021, Snapshot Day provides an easy way to collect these statistics and more.

Snapshot Day is a “snapshot” of the library day by collecting data, photos and stories from all visitors who use services provided by their local library. The overall goal is to educate legislators, administrators, and the general public regarding the important services that libraries provide on a daily basis.


Some Ideas to make your Snapshot Day a Success

  • Announce your participation now through emails, flyers, posters, etc.
  • Feature your participation and the photos of your patrons from that day in your newsletter, social media and website
  • Share the results from the day with your board and elected officials
  • Create signs with your patron comments and photos to hang around your library
  • Be sure to encourage your patrons to come to the library on July 22th to show their support and get their photo taken
  • Take as many photos that day as possible and use them along with comments from patrons throughout the year
  • Develop your own slideshow on your website or social media featuring your patron comments and photos
  • Ask if your newspaper will feature your slideshow on their website and if they will run photos and comments from the day.
  • Use these photos and comments during the legislative session to advocate for libraries
  • Encourage your Friends group to get involved
  • Send your images and comments to MLC for a Mississippi library collage that will be created to use during the 2021 Book Festival and Legislative Session. Send them to


Snapshot Day Sign 2021

Form for Patrons

Form for Statistics

Animated Graphic