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The meeting facilities at the Mississippi Library Commission (hereinafter, the “Library Commission”), are primarily for its own use. However, other state agencies and approved Mississippi Library Commission partners, (hereinafter referred to as the “meeting room guest”), may use the facilities based on application, availability, and purpose. For-profit events are not permitted in MLC’s meeting room facilities. At this time, there is no charge for using the facilities. However, to maintain building/furnishings quality, meeting room guests must agree to and adhere to the following conditions of usage. Failure to abide by the policy may result in monetary assessment for damages and/or denial of use.


Conditions of Usage 

  1. To request usage of a Library Commission meeting facility, submit a completed application using the link at the bottom of the page. Meeting room reservations are not finalized until confirmed, via email, by the Meeting Room Coordinator.
  2. Meeting room guest must provide the name and contact information of the person who will represent the meeting room guest on the meeting day. Meeting room guest representatives MUST check in at the Library Commission front desk and make contact with the Meeting Room Coordinator before and after use of the facility.
  3. If applicable, the meeting room guest shall allow for a 5-10 minute presentation of MLC’s services.
  4. All reservations MUST be made at least seven days before the proposed meeting. For example, if a reservation is made on a Tuesday, it must be made no later than the previous Tuesday.
  5. Room usage by the same agency is limited to no more than twice in one month, and these dates may be consecutive.
  6. Meetings cannot be confirmed more than three months in advance.
  7. Meeting facilities are available Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Meeting room guest representatives and attendees should arrive NO EARLIER than 8:30 a.m. Access to meeting facilities will be blocked before 8:30 a.m. and after 4:30 p.m.
  8. Parking is available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis. It is limited to designated spaces only; no parking on grass or roadways. Violators will be required to move their vehicles to a designated space.
  9. A PC and projector are available if requested in advance. Please indicate which items you need on the request form.
  10. The meeting room guest is responsible for ALL materials and supplies needed to conduct the meeting.
  11. Tobacco products are not allowed in or near the Library Commission building’s entrances. Receptacles are located outside.
  12. Meeting room guests are asked to avoid damaging MLC’s tables and floor by refraining from moving furniture without prior approval and assistance from Facilities staff. In particular, no items are to be placed or moved on the slate tiles. If tables must be moved, contact the front desk receptionist, Meeting Room Coordinator, or Facilities staff promptly.
  13. The meeting room guest is responsible for returning the Library Commission meeting facility to its original condition. This includes cleaning tables and countertops, returning chairs to their original positions, and ensuring all garbage is contained in proper receptacles.
  14. Meeting room guests must ensure that ALL attendees are aware of and adhere to the Conditions of Usage.
  15. Please stop by the front desk after the meeting and allow us to make a copy of your sign-in sheet for our utilization statistics.


While using the facilities, the meeting room guest must:
  • Ensure compliance with all fire/safety regulations, including, but not limited to, maintaining open aisles, adhering to occupancy limits, keeping exits clear, and having no open flames.
  • Control meeting noise levels. Keep meeting facility doors CLOSED.
  • Use NO adhesives or tacks on the walls or furnishings in the meeting facility.
  • Avoid using materials that are difficult to clean or are excessively messy, including water sprayers, glitter, or shredded paper.


Food and beverages may be served under the following conditions: 

  • Library Commission receptionist must be notified before the meeting of expected catered food delivery. The meeting room guest representative is required to sign for delivery.
  • The meeting room kitchen is available for food set up, not food preparation.
  • Serving tables must be protected when food/beverages are served.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be served.
  • Beverages are limited to coffee, soft drinks, water, juices, and punch. To protect the carpet, no beverages containing food dyes are allowed. (Examples: red punch, purple grape juice, etc.)
  • Coffee pots are available and should be turned off and cleaned after use. 
  • The meeting room guest provides all serving items such as coffee, cups, filters, flatware, plates, sugar, cream, serving trays or baskets, etc.
  • All trash and discarded foodstuffs must be disposed of properly. Please move the large trash can from the kitchen into the meeting room if needed during meals. If additional garbage cans are required, contact the Library Commission Meeting Room Coordinator, front desk receptionist, or Facilities staff immediately.

To agree to the guidelines and make a reservation, click here.